About De Rein Chair

The French love to sit at the bistro tables strictly outside, always, even in the harsh Parisian winters. But there would be no bistros if there were no boulevards, the large roads built in Paris between 1852 and 1870 following the urban planning by Baron Haussmann who changed the face not only of Paris but of the main European cities.

With the Haussmann urban reorganization the streets of Paris were enlarged and provided with pedestrian sidewalks perfect also for bistros outdoor!
Rattan woven chairs become immediately very popular. Since the beginning to produce in Paris in 1885.


The Design of Paris Bistro Chairs


Some bistro chairs, like these red ones, demand attention adding colour along the pavement, especially on an overcast day. Lining the boulevards of Paris, the bistro chairs provide the framework for French social gatherings and whether you want to catch the sun's rays on your face, shelter from the rain or cosy up under a heater in winter, they are where Parisians and tourists alike, eat, meet up or simply people watch.  

The design of the chairs was to ensure they were lightweight and moveable, while remaining sturdy and comfortable. Sitting outside along the pavements, they need to be able to endure sunshine, water and changeable temperatures all year round. They are however not indestructible and do best in a mild climate and most importantly are allowed to dry off inside overnight.  

Our story

Our design is to be inspired by famous coffe of Paris, and to produce our chairs  with metal print bamboo like outhentic bistro chairs 

Weather proof

Cofferer comfortable

Good idea


our skill

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